
Bus transportation is provided each school day. Bus routes are reviewed and evaluated each year and bus stops are established based on the home location of students living within the boundaries of Easton School District.  Bus transportation is not provided outside the boundaries of Easton School District. Preschool transportation is only provided when older siblings are riding.

If a student needs to ride a different bus than normal or get off at a different stop, notification must be provided to the school office. Please notify the school office by 2:30 p.m. Students will not be allowed to travel to a different location, under any circumstance, if the school has not been notified by the parent/guardian.

2023-2024 Bus Schedules

Updated April 30, 2024

Thanks to our wonderful Transportation Team for safely transporting our students!

Jeff Brenning, Transportation Supervisor/Maintenance Director

Mary Forry, Bus Driver

Melissa Sandby, Bus Driver

posed photo of J. Brenning

Mary Forry, Bus Driver

Melissa Sandby, Bus Driver

Inclement Weather Procedures

If weather conditions are bad, please tune your radio to KXLE (95.3fm) for information on changes to the normal school day.  If we are unable to send students home on the bus due to weather conditions, they will remain at school (or pre-designated home) until it is safe to send the busses or until a parent is safely able to pick their student(s) up at school. Please make sure we have up-to-date contact information in our files.

Inclement Weather Protocols – October 2023